Use Guide - Custom

1 Interface Theme
2 Adding/Modifying A Function Button in Interface
3 Removing A Function Button in Interface
4 Adding New Information Structure
  4.1 Adding Function Button in Interface
  4.2 Configuration Page of Information
  4.3 Configuration Page of Information Item
  4.4 Customed Translation
5 Predefined Field Types
  5.1 Field Type: Auto-value
  5.2 Field Type: Text
  5.3 Field Type: Date
  5.4 Field Type: Time
  5.5 Field Type: Radio
  5.6 Field Type: Solo-choice-List
  5.7 Field Type: Solo-choice-Drop-List
  5.8 Field Type: Checkbox
  5.9 Field Type: Multi-choice-List
  5.10 Field Type: Multi-choice-Drop-List
  5.11 Field Type: Creat-Date
  5.12 Field Type: Creat-Time
  5.13 Field Type: Creat-User
  5.14 Field Type: Current-Date
  5.15 Field Type: Current-Time
  5.16 Field Type: Current-User
  5.17 Field Type: Refer-Multi
  5.18 Field Type: Refer-Solo
  5.19 Field Type: Language
  5.20 Field Type: Network-Address
  5.21 Field Type: Link
  5.22 Field Type: File
  5.23 Field Type: Password
  5.24 Field Type: Interface-Style
  5.25 Field Type: Interface-Theme
  5.26 Field Type: Data-List-Style
  5.27 Field Type: Data-Audit-Types
  5.28 Field Type: Textarea
  5.29 Field Type: Numeric Value
6 Modifying An Information Structure
7 Removing An Inforamtion Structure
8 The Default Information Structure of SEE
  8.1 System Management
    8.1.1 Init Config
    8.1.2 Interface Theme
    8.1.3 System Role
    8.1.4 System Role Acl
    8.1.5 Data Role
    8.1.6 Data Role Acl
    8.1.7 User
    8.1.8 Data User Acl
    8.1.9 Data Audit
    8.1.10 Language Translation
    8.1.11 Upload Management
    8.1.12 Speed Testing
    8.1.13 Show Setup
    8.1.14 Condition Setup
    8.1.15 Statistic Setup
  8.2 Project Management
    8.2.1 Project
    8.2.2 Project Stages
    8.2.3 Project Tasks
    8.2.4 Code Register
    8.2.5 Code Review
    8.2.6 Document Register
    8.2.7 Document Review
    8.2.8 Weekly Report
    8.2.9 Working Log
    8.2.10 Risk Analysis
    8.2.11 Project Roles
    8.2.12 Data Collection
    8.2.13 Deviation Handling
    8.2.14 Check Item
    8.2.15 Check Result
    8.2.16 Ineligible Items
  8.3 Software Implementation
    8.3.1 Software Requirement
    8.3.2 Testing Requirement
    8.3.3 Testing Procedure
    8.3.4 Change Request
    8.3.5 Testing Result
    8.3.6 Problem Report
  8.4 Common Function
    8.4.1 Meeting Summary
    8.4.2 Share Resource
    8.4.3 Inform
    8.4.4 Personal Message

1 Interface Theme

   The interface theme of SEE is defined in and read from a XML file. The super manager can run SEE to modify it.

   The method is that the super manager clicks the button "System" in the top of SEE interface and then clicks the button "Interface Theme" in the left of the interface to get into the management page. The modification will go into effect immediately. (Don't forget refreshing the window!)

   The definition of the top level of SEE menu is the following:

Interface Theme - Query

Theme : theme_default
Name : see
Child : system_management:-:project_management:-:software_implementation:-:common_function
Link :

   The definition of the sub-menu of "system_management" is the following:

Interface Theme - Query

Theme : theme_default
Name : system_management
Child : init_config:-:interface_theme:-:language:-:user:-:role_definition:-:data_priviledge:-:data_audit:-:upload_management:-:login
Link :

   The definition of the sub-menu of "login" is the following:

Interface Theme - Query

Theme : theme_default
Name : login
Child :
Link : frame_default?myframe=main&function=login

   All of definitions can be modified. But the user should be very carefully to modify and remove. Don't find that nothing can be used after refresh the pages. (If this has happened, you need copy the file "web\WEB-INF\data\value\see-value-interface_theme.xml" in the source code packet to the install directory "WEB-INF\data\value\" to cover the modified one)

2 Adding/Modifying A Function Button in Interface

   The method of adding a function button in interface is the following.
   For example, you want to add a function button "tryfunc", and it will be a child of the "Common" button which is in the top level menu. You can execute the following steps:

  • Login with the account "superseer".
  • Click the button "System" in the top of the interface, then select the button "Interface Theme" in the left page of the interface. The management page of interface theme is shown in the right.
  • Click the button "Add" on the top of the page, you will enter the page of adding.
  • Fill its "Name" with "tryfunc", and fill its "Link" with "". Then save.
  • Click the button "Query" on the top of the page, you will enter the page of querying. Click the table head "Name" to sort the records. you will see that "tryfunc" has been added into the interface theme.
  • Click the button "Modify" on the top of the page, you will enter the page of modifying.
  • Find the line with "common_function" as its "Name". (Click the table head "Name" to sort lines.) Click the button "Modify" beside the record, you will enter the page of modifying this record.
  • Modify its "Childs". The value is splitted by ":-:". Add "tryfunc" at the perfact position and save. For example, the value can be modified to "meeting_summary:-:contact_way:-:tryfunc:-:manual".(The menu will be shown in this order.)
  • Click the button "Common" in the top of the interface. What will you see? The button "tryfunc" is shown as the third item of the left menu. Click the button "tryfunc", then what will happen in the right?

       Your new function button need a new picture. You can read the definition of the path and name of a picture in SEE in "Source Code Explanation".

    3 Removing A Function Button in Interface

       If a node has only its definition, and is not a child of any other node, it will never appear in the interface. Because SEE will show its nodes of menu level by level. That is, the valid node is in the tree of SEE menu.
       At the same time, if a node only belongs to some node, but it has no its definition, it will not appear in the interface. That is, a valid node should has its definition.

       So removing a node is just removing its definition or removing its position in the menu tree of SEE.

    4 Adding New Information Structure

    4.1 Adding Function Button in Interface

       Before adding a new information structure, you should add a new function button in the interface.

       For example, you want to add a new information structure "tryinfo", and it will be a child of the top menu "Common". You can execute the following steps:

  • Login with the account "superseer".
  • Click the button "System" in the top of interface, then click the button "Interface Theme" in the left of interface. The management page will be shown in the right.
  • Click the button "Copy" on the top of the page, you will enter the page of copying.
  • Find the line with "change_request" as its "Name".(You can click the table head "Name" to sort lines.) Click the button "Copy" beside the line, you will enter the page of copying this line.
  • Modify its "Name" as "tryinfo" and modify its "Link" as "data-manager?myset=tryinfo". Then save.
  • Click the button "Query" on the top of the page, you will enter the page of querying. Click the table head "Name" to sort data. You will find that "tryinfo" has been added into the interface theme.
  • Click the button "Modify" on the top of the page, you will enter the page of modifying.
  • Find the line with "common_function" as its "Name". (Click the table head "Name" to sort lines.) Click the button "Modify" beside the record, you will enter the page of modifying this record.
  • Modify its "Childs". The value is splitted by ":-:". Add "tryinfo" at the perfect position and save. For example, the value can be modified to "meeting_summary:-:contact_way:-:tryinfo:-:manual".(The menu will be shown in this order.)
  • Click the button "Common" in the top of the interface. What will you see? The button "tryinfo" is shown as the third item of the left menu. Click the button "tryinfo", then what will happen in the right?

       Your new function button need a new picture. You can read the definition of the path and name of a picture in SEE in "Source Code Explanation".

    4.2 Configuration Page of Information

       The above steps only add the function button to manage the new information. The following steps will add the description of the new information structure:

  • Continue the above steps. After click the button "tryinfo", the right page is just for managing the new information "tryinfo". There is only the button "Config", because it has no definition in the system now.
  • Click the button "Config" on the top of the page, you will enter the the configuration page of the information structure. Fields of the information are listed in the top and you can add, remove, or modify them. The description of the entire information can be defined at the end. The following is an example page of configuration:

    Data Definition : Project

    Warning: if this data has already had some records, they might lose when config was changed!

    Items :
    IdentifyTypeSizeEdit WidthShow
    configuration_code String - - Configuration Code
    name String - - Name
    project_manager String - - Project Manager
    status String - - Status
    project_role String - - Project Roles
    member String - - Member
    authorizer String - - Authorizer
    authorize_time Time - - Authorize Time
    description String 0 - Description
    relative_person String - - Relative Persons
    commit_person String - - Commit Person
    commit_time Time - - Commit Time
    last_changed_person String - - Last Changed Person
    last_changed_time Time - - Last Changed Time

    Type : Table Matrix
    Key Can Be Modified : Yes No
    Default Sort : Configuration Code Name Project Manager Status Project Roles Member Authorizer Authorize Time Description Relative Persons Commit Person Commit Time Last Changed Person Last Changed Time Null
    Default Order : Ascending Descending
    Default Color :
    Description :
    Keys : Configuration Code Name Project Manager Status Project Roles Member Authorizer Authorize Time Description Relative Persons Commit Person Commit Time Last Changed Person Last Changed Time
    Not Null Items : Configuration Code Name Project Manager Status Project Roles Member Authorizer Authorize Time Description Relative Persons Commit Person Commit Time Last Changed Person Last Changed Time
    Invalid Items : Configuration Code Name Project Manager Status Project Roles Member Authorizer Authorize Time Description Relative Persons Commit Person Commit Time Last Changed Person Last Changed Time
    Show Items : Configuration Code Name Project Manager Status Project Roles Member Authorizer Authorize Time Description Relative Persons Commit Person Commit Time Last Changed Person Last Changed Time
    Operation : Add Insert Copy Import Remove Modify Batch Modify Query Statistic Audit Select

       The following is the explanation for the entire definition of the information structure:

  • If "Key Can Be Modified" is "Yes", keys of data records can be modified. Or keys can not modified once the data records are created.
  • The definition of default color and default sort will be applied to all users.
  • If there is no field defined as key, all fields will become the key.
  • Key fields are not-null automatically.
  • If user does not want to use some fields any more and does not want to remove them at the same time, you can define them as invalid items. You can make them useful at any time.
  • "Show Items" are the default fields when show the data list, and will be applied to all users.
  • "Operation" defines all of the possible actions for this information. For example, the Data Audit should not be executed the following actions: add, insert, copy, modify.

       If the "type" of the information structure is "Matrix", the following definition fields will be shown as well:

    Matrix Items :
    IdentifyTypeSizeEdit WidthShow
    start_date Date - 12 Start Date
    end_date Date - 12 End Date
    staff_number Integer - 8 Staff Number
    size Integer - 8 Size
    effort Integer - 8 Effort
    cost Integer - 8 Cost

    Not Null Matrix Items : Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort Cost
    Invalid Matrix Items : Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort Cost
    Matrix Values :
    One item in each line

    4.3 Configuration Page of Information Item

       Click the button "Add" or "Modify" in the configuration page of information, you will enter the following page to define the corresponding field:

    Data Definition : Problem Report-Type

    Warning: if this data has already had some records, they might lose when config was changed!

    Identify :
    Display Name :
    Description :
    Type : Char String Integer Float Date Time Automatic
    Size :
    Unit :
    Edit Width : Default : 50
    Default Value :
    Value Translated : Yes No
    Value Constraint Type : Solo Multi Creat Time Creat User Current Time Current User Refer_Multi Refer_Solo Language IP Link File Password Interface Style Interface Theme Data List Style Data Audit Types Null
    Value Constraint :
    Edit Controller Type : Text Radio Check Hidden List Drop List Textarea Null

       Please notice: You can only input English in information structure.
       Field name, default value, and constraint values should be in English and can not have blank. They had better only include: letters, numbers, "-", "_".
       Because the definitions are saved in xml files, the fields names have the following limit as well: cannot begin with the numbers, ".", and "_". The page script will check this limit automatically.
       When showing the definition data, system will translate them automatically.
       If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default value and constraint values will be translated when save data. Or else English without translation will be saved even if interface language or application language is not English.
       (This is only for information structure. The end-user can input anything when deal with information data, and the user's data will not be changed except for the special strings. )

    4.4 Customed Translation

       Information name, field name, default value, and constraint values should be in English and can not have blank. But when save data or show data, this limit need not work.
       Translations in the default definitions are all defined in the program. If user adds or modifies the definition of an information structure, you may need use some strings out of the default translation list.
       You can add your translations by using the translation function in SEE and make them working inline at once.
       The method is that the super manager clicks the button "System" in the top of SEE interface and then clicks the button "Language" in the left of the interface.

       For example, user defines a new information structure: myinfo, and it has the fields: field1, feild2. The constraint values of some field are: myv1, myv2, myv3.
       And You wish show or save them as: "my information", "my field one", "my field two", "my value 1", "my value 2", "my value 3".
       Then you can add the following translation:


    - Name < Value
    field1 my field one
    field2 my field two
    myinfo my information
    myv1 my value 1
    myv2 my value 2
    myv3 my value 3

    5 Predefined Field Types

       After describe the information structure, click the button "Add" or "Query" on the top of the page, you will see the effect of your definition.
       Looking at the default information definitions and using them, the reader is able to know their meaning.
       The author suggests that the user tries to config various attributes, then you will learn the capability of SEE. This is better than mass words.

       The following are the description and examples of the predefined field types in SEE.

    5.1 Field Type: Auto-value

       If an information need a field to make each record unique, and this field itself is not useful. A "Auto-value" type will satisfy this need.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Automatic".

       SEE will make the value as the following:

    created-time + "-" + current-user-id

       The following is the example effect:
    Identify : June 7, 2004 10:56:35 PM CST-superseer

    5.2 Field Type: Text

       Text is used most frequently.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • If want to limit the length of value, input the "Size". If "Size" is empty, the length of this text is not limited.
  • If want to set the width of the edit controller, input the "Edit Width". If "Edit Width" is empty, the width of this edit controller is set as the default value (50).
  • You can input "default Value" to make the value added automatically when create new record. Tip: If the value of a field has a special suffix, prefix, format, or character, default value will give the help.
  • If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default value will be translated when it is used in data.

       The following is the example effect:
    Text :

    5.3 Field Type: Date

       User can input and modify the Date.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Date".
  • "Default Value" can go effect, but the author suggests not to input.
  • Do not set "Value Constraint Type" or select it as "Null"

       To use it:

  • System will show a text field and a "Format" button. Click the "Format" button, then the system will input the current day in correct format automatically.
  • User can modify it. But you should keep the format correct, or else you can not get reasonable result when sort with this field.

       The following is the example effect:
    Date : Format

    5.4 Field Type: Time

       User can input and modify the Time.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Time".
  • "Default Value" can go effect, but the author suggests not to input.
  • Do not set "Value Constraint Type" or select it as "Null"

       To use it:

  • System will show a text field and a "Format" button. Click the "Format" button, then the system will input the current time in correct format automatically.
  • User can modify it. But you should keep the format correct, or else you can not get reasonable result when sort with this field.

       The following is the example effect:
    Time : Format

    5.5 Field Type: Radio

       This type will show several selections to make user choose one. The style is radio.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Solo"
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Radio"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with predefined values. They are splitted with ":-:" and should be in English. For example: "commit:-:reviewed:-:fixed:-:tested:-:closed:-:defer:-:denied".
  • Input the "Default Value". It should be one of the predefined values.
  • If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default value and the predefined values will all be translated when they are used in data.

       The following is the example effect:
    Status : Commit Reviewed Fixed Tested Closed Defer Denied

    5.6 Field Type: Solo-choice-List

       This type will show several selections to make user choose one. The style is list.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Solo"
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "List"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with predefined values. They are splitted with ":-:" and should be in English. For example: "commit:-:reviewed:-:fixed:-:tested:-:closed:-:defer:-:denied".
  • Input the "Default Value". It should be one of the predefined values.
  • If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default value and the predefined values will all be translated when they are used in data.

       The following is the example effect:
    Status :

    5.7 Field Type: Solo-choice-Drop-List

       This type will show several selections to make user choose one. The style is drop list.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Solo"
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Drop List"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with predefined values. They are splitted with ":-:" and should be in English. For example: "commit:-:reviewed:-:fixed:-:tested:-:closed:-:defer:-:denied".
  • Input the "Default Value". It should be one of the predefined values.
  • If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default value and the predefined values will all be translated when they are used in data.

       The following is the example effect:
    Status :

    5.8 Field Type: Checkbox

       This type will show several selections to make user choose some. The style is checkbox.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Multi"
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Check"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with predefined values. They are splitted with ":-:" and should be in English. For example: "commit:-:reviewed:-:fixed:-:tested:-:closed:-:defer:-:denied".
  • Input the "Default Value". It should be made of several predefined values and splited with ":-:".
  • If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default values and the predefined values will all be translated when they are used in data.

       The following is the example effect:
    Type : Article Image Book Audio video Software News Others

    5.9 Field Type: Multi-choice-List

       This type will show several selections to make user choose some. The style is list.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Multi"
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "List"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with predefined values. They are splitted with ":-:" and should be in English. For example: "commit:-:reviewed:-:fixed:-:tested:-:closed:-:defer:-:denied".
  • Input the "Default Value". It should be made of several predefined values and splited with ":-:".
  • If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default values and the predefined values will all be translated when they are used in data.

       The following is the example effect:
    Type :

    5.10 Field Type: Multi-choice-Drop-List

       This type will show several selections to make user choose some. The style is drop list.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Multi"
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Drop List"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with predefined values. They are splitted with ":-:" and should be in English. For example: "commit:-:reviewed:-:fixed:-:tested:-:closed:-:defer:-:denied".
  • Input the "Default Value". It should be made of several predefined values and splitted with ":-:".
  • If "Value Translated" is "Yes", the default values and the predefined values will all be translated when they are used in data.

       The following is the example effect:
    Type :

    5.11 Field Type: Creat-Date

       The value of this type will be given by the system automatically when the data record is created, and user can not input and modify it.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Date".
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Creat Time"

       The following is the example effect:
    creat_date : June 8, 2004

    5.12 Field Type: Creat-Time

       The value of this type will be given by the system automatically when the data record is created, and user can not input and modify it.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Time".
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Creat Time"

       The following is the example effect:
    creat_time : June 7, 2004 9:22:41 PM

    5.13 Field Type: Creat-User

       The value of this type will be given by the system automatically when the data record is created, and user can not input and modify it.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Creat User"

       The following is the example effect:
    creat_user : superseer

    5.14 Field Type: Current-Date

       The value of this type will be given by the system automatically when the data record is created or modified, and user can not input and modify it.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Date".
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Current Time"

       The following is the example effect:
    current_date : June 8, 2004

    5.15 Field Type: Current-Time

       The value of this type will be given by the system automatically when the data record is created or modified, and user can not input and modify it.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Time".
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Current Time"

       The following is the example effect:
    current_time : June 7, 2004 9:24:13 PM

    5.16 Field Type: Current-User

       The value of this type will be given by the system automatically when the data record is created, and user can not input and modify it.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Current User"

       The following is the example effect:
    current_user : superseer

    5.17 Field Type: Refer-Multi

       The value of the Refer-Multi type can only be selected from another data table, and user can not input directly. User can select more than one data.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Refer-Multi"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with the refered table name. For example, if refer to the data of "User", input its name "user".

       To use it:

  • Click the "Select" button, then system will pop a window which shows the data of the referred table.
  • If refer to "user", a "Me" button will be also shown. When click it, system will input the id of current user automatically.
  • If refer to "project", and user has already set the default project, a "Default" button will be also shown. When click it, system will input the default project set by current user automatically.

       The following is the example effect:
    Refer-Multi : Select Self

    5.18 Field Type: Refer-Solo

       The value of the Refer-Solo type can only be selected from another data table, and user can not input directly. User can select only one data.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Refer_Solo"
  • Input the "Value Constraint" with the referred table name. For example, if refer to the data of "User", input its name "user".

       To use it:

  • Click the "Select" button, then system will pop a window which shows the data of the referred table.
  • If refer to "user", a "Me" button will be also shown. When click it, system will input the id of current user automatically.
  • If refer to "project", and user has already set the default project, a "Default" button will be also shown. When click it, system will input the default project set by current user automatically.

       The following is the example effect:
    Refer_Solo : Select Self

    5.19 Field Type: Language

       The value of the Language type can only be selected from the languages list which SEE supports now. Only one can be selected.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Language"

       The following is the example effect:
    Language : English Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese

    5.20 Field Type: Network-Address

       The value of the Network-Address type is filled with the IP address or DNS name of the client machine the user is using by the system automatically, and can not be input or modified.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "IP"

       The following is the example effect:
    Network-Address :

    5.21 Field Type: Link

       Link type can be used to define the clickable resource of address to share.
       It is composed of two parts: title and value.
       When show the data with link type, system will show its title, and after user clicks the title, system will pop a window to show the corresponding page.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Link"

       The following is the example effect:
    Link : Title

    5.22 Field Type: File

       File type can be used to upload file to share.
       It is composed of two parts: title and value. After the data committed, the file user selected will be uploaded and saved under a special directory in SEE.
       When show the data with file type, system will show its title, and after user clicks the title, system will prompt user to download the file or pop a window to show its content.
       A snapshot will be shown for the image file's type, which may end with jpg/jpeg/gif/png.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "File"

       The following is the example effect:
    File : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    If put new file, the current file will be removed. If just remove the current file, please check the Remove selection.
    Current Value : putty.exe Remove

       The limit of upload file size is set by the super manager.

    5.23 Field Type: Password

       The password field has the following features:

  • When input or show data, its actual value will not be shown
  • User has to input it twice
  • Not inputting means not modifying
  • Use the Set-Null selection to set it null.
  • It will be encrypted by DES and then translated into hexadecimal string to save
  • Not shown in audit records.
  • Can not be shown by any user, except when the user, who have the "Import" privilege to current data, exports the data.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Password"

       The following is the example effect:
    Password : Input Again : Set Null
    If not modify password, do not input anything.

    5.24 Field Type: Interface-Style

       The selections of this type are collected by system automatically. User can only choose one.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Interface Style"

       The following is the example effect:
    Interface Style : Default Style

    5.25 Field Type: Interface-Theme

       The selections of this type are collected by system automatically. User can only choose one.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Interface Theme"

       The following is the example effect:
    Interface Theme : Default Theme

    5.26 Field Type: Data-List-Style

       The selections of this type are collected by system automatically. User can only choose one.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Data List Style"

       The following is the example effect:
    Data List Style : Table Form

    5.27 Field Type: Data-Audit-Types

       The selections of this type are collected by system automatically. User can only choose one.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Select the "Value Constraint Type" as "Data Audit Types"

       The following is the example effect:
    Data Audit Types : Config Add Insert Copy Import Remove Modify Query Audit List Data Show Record Export Login

    5.28 Field Type: Textarea

       This type will provide a multi-line area to input text.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "String".
  • Not set the "Value Constraint Type" or set it as "Null"
  • Select the "Edit Controller Type" as "Textarea"
  • If define the "Edit Width" as zero, the input area has 20 lines. Or else an input area with 4 lines will be shown.

       The following is the example effect:
    Textarea :

    5.29 Field Type: Numeric Value

       Integer and float are numeric types.

       The defining method is:

  • Select the "Type" as "Integer" or "Float".
  • If want to define the unit of the numeric value, input the "Unit".
  • If want to set the width of the edit controller, input the "Edit Width". If "Edit Width" is empty, the width of this edit controller is set as the default value (50).
  • You can input "default Value" to make the value added automatically when create new record. Tip: If the value of a field has a special suffix, prefix, format, or character, default value will give the help.

       The following is the example effect:
    Plan Effort (Person Day) :

    6 Modifying An Information Structure

       To any information structure, the super manager can click the "Config" button at any time to modify its definition. The Modification will go into effect immediately.

       Suggestion: define all of information structures before you start to add data of application into SEE.

    7 Removing An Information Structure

       Removing a information structure is just removing the function node button in the interface. To remove it completely, you have to remove its structure file and value file in the special directory.

    8 The Default Information Structure of SEE

    8.1 System Management

    8.1.1 Init Config

    Init Config

    Identify : init
    Default User :
    Default Interface Style : Default Style
    Default Interface Theme : Default Theme
    Default Page Size :
    Data Audit Types : Config Add Insert Copy Import Remove Modify Batch Modify Query Audit List Data Show Record Export Login
    Default Upload File Size(KB) :
    Default Upload Total(KB) :

    8.1.2 Interface Theme

    Interface Theme

    Theme : Default Theme
    Name :
    Child :
    Link :

    8.1.3 System Role

    System Role

    Identify :
    Member :
    Description :

    8.1.4 System Role Acl

    System Role Acl

    Title :
    Data : Change Request Check Item Check Result Code Register Code Review Data Audit Data Collection Data Role Data Role Acl Data User Acl Deviation Handling Document Register Document Review Ineligible Items Inform Language Meeting Summary Personal Message Problem Report Project Project Roles Project Stages Project Tasks Risk Analysis Share Resource Software Requirement Testing Procedure Testing Requirement Testing Result Upload Management User Weekly Report Working Log
    System Role :
    Operation : Config Add Insert Copy Import Remove Modify Batch Modify Query Statistic Audit Select
    condition :
    Description :

    8.1.5 Data Role


    Identify :
    Member :
    Description :

    8.1.6 Data Role Acl

    Data Role Acl

    Title :
    Data : Change Request Check Item Check Result Code Register Code Review Data Collection Deviation Handling Document Register Document Review Ineligible Items Inform Meeting Summary Problem Report Project Project Roles Project Stages Project Tasks Risk Analysis Share Resource Software Requirement Testing Procedure Testing Requirement Testing Result Weekly Report Working Log
    Data Role :
    Operation : Add Insert Copy Import Remove Modify Batch Modify Query Statistic Select
    condition :
    Description :

    8.1.7 User


    Identify :
    Password : Input Again : Set Null
    If not modify password, do not input anything.
    E-mail :
    Phone :
    Nickname :
    Sex : Female Male
    Birthday :
    Interface Style : Default Style
    Interface Theme : Default Theme
    Data List Style : Table Form
    Page Size :
    Default Project :
    Job Title :
    Description :
    Register Time : September 25, 2004 1:02:04 PM CST
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:02:04 PM CST

    8.1.8 Data User Acl

    Data User Acl

    Title :
    Data : Change Request Check Item Check Result Code Register Code Review Data Collection Deviation Handling Document Register Document Review Ineligible Items Inform Meeting Summary Problem Report Project Project Roles Project Stages Project Tasks Risk Analysis Share Resource Software Requirement Testing Procedure Testing Requirement Testing Result Weekly Report Working Log
    User :
    Operation : Add Insert Copy Import Remove Modify Batch Modify Query Statistic Select
    condition :
    Description :

    8.1.9 Data Audit

    Data Audit

    Identify : May 3, 2004 3:42:11 PM CST-superseer
    Data :
    Operation :
    Keys :
    Old Values :
    New Values :
    Who : superseer
    When : May 3, 2004 3:42:11 PM CST
    Where :
    Result :
    Description :

    8.1.10 Language Translation


    Name :
    Value :

    8.1.11 Upload Management

    Upload Management

    Identify : June 8, 2004 7:39:37 PM CST-superseer
    File : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Size :

    8.1.12 Speed Testing

    Speed Testing

    Identify :
    Char :
    String :
    Integer :
    Float :
    Date :
    Time :
    Automatic : July 25, 2004 9:12:11 PM CST-superseer

    8.1.13 Show Setup

    Show Setup

    Title :
    Data :
    User :
    Items :
    Sort :
    Order :
    Color :
    Style :

    8.1.14 Condition Setup

    Condition Setup

    Title :
    Data :
    User :
    Condition :

    8.1.15 Statistic Setup

    Statistic Setup

    Title :
    Data :
    User :
    Type :
    Item :
    Value :
    Cross Item :
    Cross Value :
    Image :
    Show Value :
    Time :
    Start Time :
    End Time :
    Condition :
    Matrix Value :
    Cross Matrix Value :

    8.2 Project Management

    8.2.1 Project Register


    Configuration Code :
    Name :
    Project Manager :
    Status : Applying Approved Requirement Design Implementing Testing Validated Maintenance Closed Denied
    Project Roles :
    Member :
    Authorizer :
    Authorize Time :
    Description :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 12:31:53 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 12:31:53 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort (Person Month) Cost ($)
    Requirement Analysis
    Independant Testing
    Document Edit
    Project Management
    Quality Management
    Configuration Management
    Technical Supporting

    8.2.2 Project Stages

    Project Stages

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Title :
    Member :
    Description :
    Input :
    Output :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 12:45:50 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 12:45:50 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort(Person Month) Cost($)

    8.2.3 Project Tasks

    Project Tasks

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Project Stages :
    Title :
    Type : Coding Testing Document Edit Project Management Quality Management Configuration Management Training Technical Supporting Others
    Member :
    Description :
    Input :
    Output :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 12:54:57 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 12:54:57 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort (Person Month) Cost ($)

    8.2.4 Code Register

    Code Register

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Title :
    Type : Source Code Binary Code Library Code Data Testing Code Testing Data Others
    Author :
    Version :
    Lines :
    Bytes :
    Commit Person :
    Authorizer :
    Configuration Functionary :
    Configuration Time :
    Description :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Register Person : superseer
    Register Time : September 25, 2004 12:59:16 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : May 3, 2004 3:49:39 PM CST

    8.2.5 Code Review

    Code Review

    Configuration Code :
    Code :
    Time :
    Conclusion : Pass Modify Denied Defer
    Review Persons :
    Authorizer :
    Description :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:16:34 PM CST

    8.2.6 Document Register

    Document Register

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Title :
    Type : Feasibility Research Requirement Analysis Preliminary Design Detail Design Testing Design Testing Report User Manual Others
    Secrecy : Public Preserve secret Top-secret
    Revision :
    Author :
    Assessor :
    Authorizer :
    Pages :
    Words :
    Configuration Time :
    Configuration Functionary :
    Description :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Register Person : superseer
    Register Time : September 25, 2004 1:19:33 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : May 3, 2004 3:52:39 PM CST

    8.2.7 Document Review

    Document Review

    Configuration Code :
    Document :
    Time :
    Conclusion : Pass Modify Denied Defer
    Review Persons :
    Authorizer :
    Description :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:21:33 PM CST

    8.2.8 Weekly Report

    Weekly Report

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Project Tasks :
    Member :
    Plan Working :
    Actual Working :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:25:17 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:25:17 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort (Person Month) Cost ($)

    8.2.9 Working Log

    Working Log

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Project Tasks :
    Status : Start Performing End Question Conclusion Notice
    Type : Coding Testing Document Edit Project Management Quality Management Configuration Management Training Technical Supporting Others
    Plan Working :
    Actual Working :
    Member :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:28:35 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:28:35 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort (Person Month) Cost ($)

    8.2.10 Risk Analysis

    Risk Analysis

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Project Stages :
    Project Tasks :
    Risk Item :
    Type : Scope Quality Time Cost Technique Person Law
    Probability : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Severity : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Priority : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Description :
    Effect Analysis :
    Contingency Action :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:32:53 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:32:53 PM CST

    8.2.11 Project Roles

    Project Roles

    Name :
    Supervisor :
    Project :
    Cost ($) :
    Staff Number :
    Member :
    Description :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : November 21, 2004 8:49:39 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : November 21, 2004 8:49:39 PM CST

    8.2.12 Data Collection

    Data Collection

    Configuration Code :
    Date :
    Project :
    Project Stages :
    Project Tasks :
    Status : Start Performing End
    Type : Coding Testing Document Edit Project Management Quality Management Configuration Management Training Technical Supporting Others
    Participator :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : November 21, 2004 8:51:32 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : November 21, 2004 8:51:32 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Start Date End Date Staff Number Size Effort (Person Day) Cost ($)

    8.2.13 Deviation Handling

    Deviation Handling

    Configuration Code :
    Type : Coding Testing Document Edit Project Management Quality Management Configuration Management Training Technical Supporting Others
    Degree : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Severity : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Action : Correct Defer Ignore
    Effort (Person Day) :
    Cost ($) :
    Description :
    Risk Item :
    Conclusion :
    Participator :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : November 21, 2004 9:05:34 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : November 21, 2004 9:05:34 PM CST

    8.2.14 Check Item

    Check Item

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Type : Coding Testing Document Edit Project Management Quality Management Configuration Management Training Technical Supporting Others
    Title :
    Description :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : November 21, 2004 9:07:38 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : November 21, 2004 9:07:38 PM CST

    8.2.15 Check Result

    Check Result

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Type : Coding Testing Document Edit Project Management Quality Management Configuration Management Training Technical Supporting Others
    Check Item :
    Conclusion : Pass Part Passed Not Pass
    Start Time :
    End Time :
    Description :
    Comment :
    Ineligible Items :
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Participator :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : November 21, 2004 9:09:03 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : November 21, 2004 9:09:03 PM CST

    8.2.16 Ineligible Items

    Ineligible Items

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Type : Coding Testing Document Edit Project Management Quality Management Configuration Management Training Technical Supporting Others
    Check Item :
    Severity : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Status : Commit Reviewed Fixed Validated Closed Defer Denied
    Description :
    Effect Analysis :
    Assigned to :
    Plan Effort (Person Day) :
    Plan Cost ($) :
    Reporter :
    Comment :
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Persons :
    Supervisor :
    Actual Effort (Person Day) :
    Actual Cost ($) :
    Conclusion :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : November 21, 2004 9:11:07 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : November 21, 2004 9:11:07 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Who When Explanation

    8.3 Software Implementation

    8.3.1 Software Requirement

    Software Requirement

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Title :
    Type : Function User Model Abnormity Dealing Boundary Checking Data Checking Interface Robust Performance Control Flow
    Source : Analysis User
    Essentiality : High Medium Low
    Status : Commit Review Authorized Denied Implemented Defer
    Description :
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Who When Explanation

    8.3.2 Testing Requirement

    Testing Requirement

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Title :
    Type : Function User Model Abnormity Dealing Boundary Checking Data Checking Interface Robust Performance Control Flow
    Essentiality : High Medium Low
    Level : System Component Unit
    Status : Commit Review Authorized Denied Implemented Defer
    Description :
    Software Requirement :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Who When Explanation

    8.3.3 Testing Procedure

    Testing Procedure

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Title :
    Type : Function User Model Abnormity Dealing Boundary Checking Data Checking Interface Robust Performance Control Flow
    Essentiality : High Medium Low
    Level : System Component Unit
    Status : Commit Review Authorized Denied Implemented Defer
    Steps :
    Expected Result :
    Testing Requirement :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Who When Explanation

    8.3.4 Change Request

    Change Request

    Configuration Code :
    Status : Applying Review Authorized Denied Implemented Validated Defer Closed
    Type : Document Code
    Document :
    Code :
    Reason :
    Change Content :
    Effect Analysis :
    Plan Effort (Person Day) :
    Plan Cost ($) :
    Apply Person :
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Commit Time :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Persons :
    Supervisor :
    Actual Effort (Person Day) :
    Actual Cost ($) :
    Testing Result :
    Conclusion :
    Register Person : superseer
    Register Time : September 25, 2004 1:46:29 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:46:29 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Who When Explanation

    8.3.5 Testing Result

    Testing Result

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Testing Procedure :
    Conclusion : Pass Part Passed Not Pass
    Actual Result :
    Comment :
    Problem Report :
    Tester :
    Testing Time :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Codes :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:40:11 PM CST

    8.3.6 Problem Report

    Problem Report

    Configuration Code :
    Project :
    Title :
    Status : Commit Reviewed Fixed Tested Closed Defer Denied
    Type : Bug Advice User Feedback Enhancement Not Implemented
    Object : Code Database Data Testing Design Requirement Document
    Severity : Very Hign High Medium Low Very Low
    Priority : Very Hign High Medium Low Very Low
    Description :
    Effect Analysis :
    Assigned to :
    Plan Effort (Person Day) :
    Plan Cost ($) :
    Reporter :
    Comment :
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Relative Codes :
    Relative Documents :
    Relative Persons :
    Supervisor :
    Actual Effort (Person Day) :
    Actual Cost ($) :
    Testing Result :
    Conclusion :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 1:51:58 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 1:51:58 PM CST

    Matrix Value \ Matrix Item Who When Explanation

    8.4 Common Function

    8.4.1 Meeting Summary

    Meeting Summary

    Configuration Code :
    Title :
    Scope : Organization Department Project Group
    Type : Review Weekly Meeting Monthly Meeting Others
    Start Time :
    End Time :
    Location :
    chairman :
    Recorder :
    Trimmer :
    Plan Attendee :
    Actual Attendee :
    Outline :
    Conclusion :
    Content :
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Relative Persons :
    Register Person : superseer
    Register Time : September 25, 2004 2:09:48 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 2:09:48 PM CST

    8.4.2 Share Resource

    Share Resource

    Identify : June 8, 2004 7:46:18 PM CST-superseer
    Type : Article Image Book Audio video Software News Others
    Address : Title
    File : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Description :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 2:12:07 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 2:12:07 PM CST

    8.4.3 Inform


    Configuration Code :
    Type : Meeting Message Notice News
    Importance : Very Hign High Medium Low Very Low
    Title :
    Description :
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.
    Relative Persons :
    Commit Person : superseer
    Commit Time : September 25, 2004 2:12:07 PM CST
    Last Changed Person : superseer
    Last Changed Time : September 25, 2004 2:12:07 PM CST

    8.4.4 Personal Message

    Personal Message

    Identify : December 25, 2004 9:20:54 PM CST-superseer
    Have Read : No
    Title :
    Sender : superseer
    Sent Time : December 25, 2004 9:20:54 PM CST
    Receiver :
    Content :
    Link : Title
    Attachment : Title
    File size can not over 1000KB.